Home » Social Norms » Take Women’s Health Care Out of Employers’ Hands: The Hobby Lobby Problem and the Single-Payer Solution

Take Women’s Health Care Out of Employers’ Hands: The Hobby Lobby Problem and the Single-Payer Solution

I really love the underlying point made in this post: “healthcare is an essential and public good.” In the US there’s too much focus on individual economic growth; I find it kind of terrifying that healthcare is a for-profit sector people (well, the small percentage who still have extra resources) can invest in for their own private economic growth. This article is great because it reframes healthcare as something we all as citizens can invest in for the health and well-being of ourselves and each other. That’s what a single-payer system should ultimately be: not putting healthcare in the hands of a nameless, faceless “government” that is ultimately run by big business… but taking it out of the hands of big businesses (including private, for-profit insurance companies) and back into the hands of we, the people.

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